Scottish KC October 2021
Royal Highland Showground Royal Highland Centre Ingliston, , Edinburgh, United KingdomCC's Jill Peak
CC's Jill Peak
Breed club open show Judges: Marina White Special Award Classes - Paul French Enter online now
4 classes - Judge Karen Kennedy
3 classes - Judge Ray McDonald
3 classes - Judge Steve Atkinson
AVNSC classes - Judge TBC
CC's - Judge: Mrs T A Cousins-Brown
A good recall is essential for so many reasons when we exercise our dogs. We can't always predict when other dogs might appear, or some hazard takes us by surprise when a good recall is needed. But those are the times it is really tested. Good manners means we shouldn't let our loose dogs [...]
3 classes - Judge Vikki Marshall
Breed Appreciation Day(in line with Kennel Club Judges Education Programme)Saturday, 26th February 2022At Bradfield Village Hall, Southend Road, Bradfield Southend, Berkshire. RG7 5EYBreed Appreciation Day Talk Only                                                              £15.00Breed Appreciation Day & Multiple Choice Exam (MCE) (includes lunch)           £25.00 A3 Judges Assessment (includes lunch)                                                        £30.00(candidates are welcome to attend the Breed Talk in [...]