Mr Matti Takanen
Mr Matti TakanenPatron
owner of Lumiturpa Kennels in Finland
Contact Us

Please contact the committee via the secretary

or if your query is more specific - use the contact links below (please be patient we are a busy bunch and may not reply immediately)
Contact Us

The officers of the committee

Andy Lee
Andy LeeChairman
Keeps the committee in order and has loud voice perfect for announcements at society events
Toni Jackson
Toni JacksonSecretary & KC Breed Health coordinator
Responsible to the committee for dealing with correspondence & day to day administration. Also health coordinator keeping abreast of health issues and in contact with other health officers around the world
Janine Bailey
Janine BaileyTreasurer
The one with the big calculator – for keeping tally of the club’s money

Our Valuable Committee Members

Karen Anderson
Karen AndersonJudges Coordinator
Looks after the judges list and contact for any list applications and enquiries.
Gracey Bailey
Gracey BaileyMembership secretary
Handles all the membership applications and renewals
Emma Everley
Emma EverleyCommittee
Lynn Etches
Lynn EtchesCommittee
Sue Graystone
Sue GraystoneCommittee
Evelyn Meikle
Evelyn MeikleCommittee
Karen Lee
Karen LeeCommittee
Alex Lock
Alex LockCommittee
Super Show sec and organiser of FLOTY
Sam Moore
Sam MooreTraining coordinator
Organises Good citizen testing and other training activites
Pia Reynolds
Pia ReynoldsCommittee
Our amazing designer, producing super artwork for newsetters, calendar, yearbook and just about anything
Alannah Rutter
Alannah RutterCommittee
Cheryl Samuel
Cheryl SamuelCommittee
Karen White
Karen WhiteNewsletter editor
producer of the 4 fab newsletters emailed out each year