Judged by Mr Esa Ruotsalainen (Tirhan) – Finland

Ch Elbereth Marja (Mr D & Mrs J Cross)
Multi Ch Elbereth Matkamies ShCM (Mr P Jackson)

Elbereth Valkotassu (Mr R & Mrs G Perkins)
Morval Salainen Haave JW (Mr R & Mrs S Moore)

Kaijartuu Hopea Noita (Mr A Lee)
Finnadian Cirius (Imp Fin) (Mrs N Allison & Mrs D Robinson)
Class 1 PUPPY DOG (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1ST: Finnadian Cirius (Imp Fin) (Mrs N Allison & Mrs D Robinson)
Excellent type and proportions. Nice balance. Strong enough for his age. Typical angulations for the breed. Excellent tail carriage. Dark almond shaped eyes. I would prefer slightly stronger stop. Excellent ears. Moves very well for his age.
2ND : Kaijartuu Revontulet (Mr N Feldberg)
Masculine male puppy with excellent proportions. Good bone for his age. Strong ribcage. Tail carriage could be slightly higher. Enough angulated on both ends. Slightly sloping croup. Typical head and expression. Lovely dark eyes. Moves well.
3RD: Tabanyaruu Qtamo Kuukai (Mrs L Sanders)
Class 2 JUNIOR DOG (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1ST: Morval Salainen Intohimo (Mr R & Mrs G Perkins)
Well developed junior male. Excellent type. Lovely balance. Loin could be slightly shorter. Strong enough ribcage for his age. Lovely strong bone. Typical angulations. Excellent long upper arm. Lovely head with beautiful details. Excellent reach on the move. Unfortunately not in the best coat today but correct coat quality. Very promising. He has a bright future ahead of him.
2ND: Finnadian Cirius (Imp Fin) (Mrs N Allison & Mrs D Robinson)
Class 3 YEARLING DOG (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1ST: Tayanyaruu Onnea Kissa (AI) (Mr Da & Mrs Se Croft & Ms L Mowatt)
Medium strong male. Excellent type and body proportions. Correct expression and neat small ears. Skull could be stronger. Strong enough stop, body and bone. Forechest could also be slightly stronger. Good tail set and coat. Enough reach on the move. Good balance.
Class 4 NOVICE DOG (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1ST: Tayanyaruu Onnea Kissa (AI) (Mr Da & Mrs Se Croft & Ms L Mowatt)
2ND: Kaijartuu Revontulet (Mr N Feldberg)
3RD: Thistleglen Fred (Mr T & Mrs K Bright)
Class 5 POST GRADUATE DOG (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1ST: Lecibsin Ukas To Elbereth (Imp Fin) (Mr S Jackson)
Excellent, quite compact male. Very beautiful head with correct details; strong skull, strong stop, well fulfilled muzzle and so lovely dark almond eyes. If I were very critical ears could be slightly smaller. Excellent ribcage and strong loin. Good tail set. Bone strong enough. Good angulation on both ends. Lovely coat quality. Excellent mover.
2ND: Oberitz Unimaahinen (Mrs N Allison)
Very good breed type. Could be slightly higher on legs Good bone. I would prefer slightly stronger angulation on both ends. Good tail set and coat quality. I would prefer darker eyes, stronger stop and stronger skull. Beautiful ears. Moves well.
3RD: Bridus Heikki (Mrs S H A Lock)
Res: Thistleglen Fred (Mr T & Mrs K Bright)
Class 6 LIMIT DOG (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1ST: Elbereth Valkotassu (Mr R & Mrs G Perkins)
Lovely type and perfect proportions. Lovely strong head. All the important breed details give him a perfect expression. Excellent body and bone. Lovely tail set. Lovely coat. Excellent mover. High quality male! BD/BIS
2ND: Arianrhod Finntroll JW (Mts T Lloyd)
Another lovely male. Bit bigger in size but still stays well in standard. Excellent balance all over. Strong, typical head with lovely expression. Remarkable beautiful eyes. Good body. Lovely strong bone. Excellent tail set. Excellent reach on the move. RBD
3RD: Juva Julkea Of Artic Cobaka (Mrs C Forbes)
Class 7 OPEN DOG (5 Entries) Abs: 2
1ST: Fin/Nor Ch Shacal Tiltaltti (Mr S & Mrs E Short)
Excellent type. Good proportions. Absolutely lovely head and expressions with all details. Good ribcage. Loin could be slightly shorter. Excellent bone and well balanced angulations. Good tail set. Excellent mover. Not in the best coat today.
2ND: Pavoskas Aly Ahti (Mr A & Mrs M Smith & Miss S Cooper)
Very good breed type with excellent proportions. Correct ribcage and tail set. I would prefer slightly stronger bone and stronger angulation especially behind. Lovely coat. Head could be slightly stronger. I would prefer darker eyes and stronger stop. Moves well.
3RD: Pavoskas Aly Arttu JW ShCM (Mr S & Mrs S Cooper & Mrs S Critchlow)
Class 8 SPECIAL VETERAN DOG (7-9 YEARS) (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1ST: Multi Ch Elbereth Matkamies ShCM (Mr P Jackson)
Lovely veteran male with just perfect proportions. Strong head with correct breed details. Lovely topline and tail set. Excellent angulation on both ends. Good body. Correct coat quality. His age can be only seen on the move but when standing he gives stunning silhouette.
2ND: Elbereth Kippis To Pavoskas ShCM (Mr S & Mrs S Cooper)
Class 9 SPECIAL VINTAGE DOG (10+ YEARS) (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1ST: Arianrhod Kirrinkurri (Mrs T Lloyd)
Veteran male of very good type. He could be slightly higher on legs. I would prefer slightly stronger skull and stop. Eyes could be slightly darker. Excellent tail set. Good bone and angulation. Moves very well.
Class 10 GOOD CITIZEN DOG SCHEME DOG (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1ST: Multi Ch Elbereth Matkamies ShCM (Mr P Jackson)
2ND: Pavoskas Aly Ahti (Mr A & Mrs M Smith & Miss S Cooper)
Class 11 PUPPY BITCH (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1ST: Kaijartuu Hopea Noita (Mr A Lee)
Lovely bitch puppy. Full of quality. Excellent proportions. Good body and bone. Excellent angulation. Very impressive head and expression. Lovely dark eyes. Moves very well for her age. High quality puppy! BPIS
2ND: Glenchess Kiuru Over Pavoskas (Mr P & Mrs S Critchlow)
Excellent type and proportions. Good body and bone for her age. Correct head. Lovely strong muzzle. Ears could be slightly smaller. Light body. Typical angulations. Excellent tail set. Typical coat for the age. Moves well.
3RD: Oberitz Aikamoinen (Mrs N Allison)
Res: Rycamrhia Aamusuukko (Mrs N Stilwell)
Class 12 JUNIOR BITCH (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1ST: Morval Salainen Haave JW (Mr R & Mrs S Moore)
Stunning junior bitch. Full of quality. Lovely balance all over. Very well built on both ends. Excellent bone for her age. Good tail carriage. Absolutely lovely head with beautiful breed details which give her a memorable expression. If I were very critical I would prefer slightly smaller ears. She is a real star.
2ND: Tabanyaruu Pilvi Tildakoi (Mr D & Mrs J Beaumont & Ms L Mowatt)
Excellent breed type and proportions. Very well built. Excellent angulations but I would prefer slightly stronger bone. Excellent head with very well fulfilled muzzle. Excellent on the move. Not in the best coat today.
3RD: Aegirsson May Gamgee (Imp Fra) (Ms L Mowatt)
Res: Rycamrhia Aamusuukko (Mrs N Stilwell)
Class 13 YEARLING BITCH (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1ST: Morval Salainen Haave JW (Mr R & Mrs S Moore)
2ND: Glenchess Georgette To Bernavia (Mrs S Dickson)
Strong bitch who could be slightly higher on legs. Deep ribcage. Good tail set. Lovely strong bone. Enough angulated. Correct head. Good stop. Eyes could be slightly darker. Moves very well. Liked to use her voice today.
3RD: Aegirsson May Gamgee (Imp Fra) (Ms L Mowatt)
Class 14 NOVICE BITCH (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1ST: Tabanyaruu Jako Luna (H Pickard)
Excellent type and proportions. Good body. Strong enough bone. Enough angulated. Good tail set. I would prefer slightly stronger stop and shorter muzzle. Excellent coat quality. Moves very well.
2ND: Lecibsin Meikki Of Tabanyaruu (Imp Fin) (Mr D & Mrs J Beaumont & Ms L Mowatt)
Very good type and excellent proportions. Good body. Excellent tail. I would prefer stronger bone. Could carry herself slightly better. Correct head but I would prefer slightly stronger stop. Excellent eyes. Moves very well.
3RD: Elbereth Helmi (Ms C Briggs & Mr E Jones)
Class 15 POST GRADUATE BITCH (8 Entries) Abs: 2
1ST: Elbereth Kiasma At Morval (Mr R & Mrs S Moore)
Strong but still feminine bitch of beautiful type. Lovely head with beautiful breed details. I would prefer just slightly smaller ears. Strong body. Excellent bone and angulations. Good topline. Excellent coat. Lovely mover.
2ND: Herding Instinct’s Nova Niiskuneiti (Impswed) (Miss T Kennedy)
Excellent type and good body proportions. Topline could be slightly stronger. Excellent bone, angulations and tail set. Good expression but I would prefer slightly shorter muzzle and stronger stop. Excellent on the move from side, slightly narrow behind. Good coat quality.
3RD: Tabanyaruu Jako Luna (H Pickard)
Res: Arianrhod Amorphis (Mrs T Lloyd)
VHC: Elbereth Helmi (Ms C Briggs & Mr E Jones)
Class 16 LIMIT BITCH (6 Entries) Abs: 1
1ST: Oberitz Vakkara JW (Mrs N Allison)
Beautiful bitch. Lovely balance. Correct proportions. Very well built on both ends. Excellent tail set. Strong body. Excellent angulations. Good expression but I would prefer slightly stronger stop. Slightly too pointed muzzle. Excellent on the move. Coat not in full bloom today.
2ND: Elbereth Lapintaika At Kaijartuu (Miss E Lee)
Excellent type and proportions. Strong enough bone. Excellent angulations Otherwise excellent head but I would prefer slightly stronger stop. Moves well.
3RD: Glenchess Georgette To Bernavia (Mrs S Dickson)
Res: Lapponnia Aamu Solo Dreamer (Miss T Kennedy)
VHC: Elbereth Taskuvaras (Mrs K White)
Class 17 OPEN BITCH (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1ST: Ch Elbereth Pelinainen JW (Mr B & Mrs A Thomas)
High quality, well balanced bitch with perfect proportions. Excellent conformation all over. Lovely angulation and tail set. Perfect head but if I were very critical ears could be slightly smaller and eyes darker. Beautifully prepared for the show but unfortunately not in full bloom today. Excellent on the move.
2ND: Ch Bridus Pikkumimmi JW (Mrs S H A Lock)
Excellent bitch with good proportions. Correct head but slightly too round eyes which could be slightly darker. Excellent conformation. Lovely angulations. Good tail set and bone. Moves very well.
3RD: Ch Oberitz Rillumarei (Mrs N Allison)
Res: Glenchess Anikka (Mr S & Mrs E Short)
Class 18 SPECIAL VETERAN BITCH (7-9 YEARS) (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1ST: Honeybears Lumi Pilvi (Mr T & Mrs K Bright)
Excellent bitch with correct proportions. Strong body and topline. Tail set could be slightly higher. Strong enough angulations. Excellent strong bone. Good on the move from side, slightly narrow behind. Beautiful head.
2ND: Elbereth Tiia (Ms C Briggs & Mr E Jones)
Veteran bitch with very good type and correct proportions. Strong body. Excellent bone. I would prefer stronger angulation behind. Could also carry herself better. Beautiful head and expression. Excellent on the move from side.
Class 19 SPECIAL VINTAGE BITCH (10+ YEARS) (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1ST: Ch Elbereth Marja (Mr D & Mrs J Cross)
Beautiful veteran bitch with lovely proportions. Correct expression and stop. Slightly flat cheeks and narrow skull but accepted for her age. Lovely topline, tail set and bone. Well balanced angulation on both ends. Amazing mover for her age!
2ND: Elbereth Apina At Pavoskas ShCM (Mr S & Mrs S Cooper)
Strong bitch with excellent type and proportions. Excellent strong bone and conformation. Good angulations. Excellent on the move from side but slightly narrow behind. Correct head and expression. Presented in a huge coat, less would be enough.
Class 20 GOOD CITIZEN DOG SCHEME BITCH (4 Entries) Abs: 2
1ST: Oberitz Trolleri (Mrs N Allison)
Beautiful and well balanced bitch. Very good expression but I would prefer slightly stronger stop and muzzle. Excellent conformation and angulation. Good bone. Excellent on the move.
2ND: Lecibsin Meikki Of Tabanyaruu (Imp Fin) (Mr D & Mrs J Beaumont & Ms L Mowatt)
Class 21 BRACE (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1ST: Mrs N Allison
2ND: Miss T Kennedy
3RD: Mr D & Mrs J Beaumont & Ms L Mowatt
Res: Mrs C Forbes
Class 22 PROGENY (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1ST: Multi Ch Elbereth Matkamies ShCM (Mr P Jackson)
Class 23 BREEDERS (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1ST: Elbereth (Mrs Jackson)
2ND: Oberitz (Mrs N Allison)
3RD: Arianrhod (Mrs T Lloyd)
Class 24 SPECIAL OPEN DOG (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1ST: Elbereth Kippis To Pavoskas ShCM (Mr S & Mrs S Cooper)
Judge: Emma Bird (Bridus)
1ST: Finnadian Cirius (Imp Fin) (Mrs N Allison & Mrs D Robinson)
Nice dog of good proportions and size, Good head with nice dark oval eyes. Firm in body and strongly made throughout. Moved out really well.
2ND: Aegirsson May Gamgee (Imp Fra) (Ms L Mowatt)
similar qualities to 1, although slightly finer in build. In good coat, moved well and with balanced proportioned.
3RD: Kaijartuu Hopea Noita (Mr A Lee)
Res: Kaijartuu Revontulet (Mr N Feldberg)
VHC: Rycamrhia Aamusuukko (Mrs N Stilwell)
Class 25 SPECIAL AWARD LIMIT DOG OR BITCH (12 Entries) Abs: 6
1ST: Elbereth Lapintaika At Kaijartuu (Miss E Lee)
3yr old bitch, really feminine head with good eye shape, lovely colouring. Strong neck into well angled forequarters. Firm in body and well muscled hind-quarters, balanced proportions. with brisk effortless movement.
2ND: Thistleglen Fred (Mr T & Mrs K Bright)
Nice masculine dog of good size. Just preferred rear movement of 1.
3RD: Oberitz Vallila (Miss K Anderson)
Res: Lapponnia Aamu Solo Dreamer (Miss T Kennedy)
VHC: Lady Eowyn Du Domaine D’arinella Bianca (Mrs C Forbes)
Class 26 SPECIAL AWARD OPEN DOG OR BITCH (6 Entries) Abs: 2
1ST: Ch Elbereth Pelinainen JW (Mr B & Mrs A Thomas)
Top class bitch. Very feminine, yet her head is strong. Nice dark oval eyes with good pigmentation, correct ear set giving a soft expression. Good body proportions, well angled shoulders with good length of rib, firm back and strong hindquarters, which enabled her to move so well. Slightly out of coat but what was there was harsh
2ND: Pavoskas Aly Ahti (Mr A & Mrs M Smith & Miss S Cooper)
Masculine dog, with strong head & body, good angulations’ both front & rear, in excellent coat, but unfortunate to meet 1st on the day.
3RD: Honeybears Lumi Pilvi (Mr T & Mrs K Bright)
Res: Herding Instinct’s Nova Niiskuneiti (Imp swed) (Miss T Kennedy)
Note permission to use needs to be obtained from the photographer – Karen White