Judge: Mr Ambjörn Lindqvist (Stenseiten)

Ch Arianrhod Black Sun Aeon at Muzoku ShCEx (Mr E & Mrs T Forsey)

Samerajerna’s Zaluda of Morval (Imp Swe)
(Mrs S & Mr R Moore)
Lappviken Keltainen Of Manu
(Mrs J Whyman & Mr J Murray)

Ir Ch Arianrhod Finntroll JW
(Mrs T T Lloyd)

Ir Ch Arianrhod Finntroll JW
(Mrs T T Lloyd)
Ch Pavoskas Ceili JW
(Mrs S & Mr P Critchlow)

Elbereth Unisieppari JW
(Mr S Jackson)
Best in Show: Mr E & Mrs T Forsey – Ch Arianrhod Black Sun Aeon at Muzoku ShCEx
Reserve Best In Show: Mrs T T Lloyd – Ir Ch Arianrhod Finntroll JW
Best Opposite Sex In Show: Mr S Jackson – Elbereth Unisieppari JW
Best Puppy In Show: Mrs S & Mr R Moore – Samerajerna’s Zaluda of Morval (Imp Swe)
Best Opposite Sex Puppy In Show: Mrs J Whyman & Mr J Murray – Lappviken Keltainen Of Manu
Best Veteran In Show: Mrs T T Lloyd – Ir Ch Arianrhod Finntroll JW
Best Opposite Sex Veteran In Show: Mrs S & Mr P Critchlow – Ch Pavoskas Ceili JW
Puppy Dog (3 entries, 0 Absentees)
1st: Mrs J Whyman & Mr J Murray – Lappviken Keltainen Of Manu
2nd: Mrs S C Crowhurst – Lappviken Safiiri Of Manu
3rd: Mrs N J Allison – Lahetyaby Joulukoriste By Oberitz
Junior Dog (4 entries, 0 Absentees)
1st: Miss E Meikle & Mr S Henderson – Elbereth Etiainen At Lintukoto
2nd: Mrs J Brache – Elbereth Oreokeksi At Lappiness
3rd: Mrs J Whyman & Mr J Murray – Lappviken Keltainen Of Manu
Res: Withheld
Yearling Dog (3 entries, 0 Absentees)
1st: Miss E Meikle & Mr S Henderson – Elbereth Etiainen At Lintukoto
2nd: Mrs J Brache – Elbereth Oreokeksi At Lappiness
3rd: Miss G Small & Mr C Thompson – Ansalfrose Weikko JW
Novice Dog (0 entries, 0 Absentees)
Graduate Dog (1 entry, 1 Absentee)
Post Graduate Dog (5 entries, 2 Absentees)
1st: Mrs S & Mr R Moore – Morval Soturi (AI)
2nd: Miss G Small & Mr C Thompson – Ansalfrose Weikko JW
3rd: Mr B & Mrs A Thomas – Elbereth Lapinpeikko (AI)
Limit Dog (5 entries, 1 Absentee)
1st: Mrs N J Allison – Oberitz Kaamoksen Ruhtinas JW
2nd: Mr A Lee – Kaijartuu Ihmissusi JW
3rd: Mr R Rudd – Infindigo Lintu Henkka
Res: Mrs M Aristides-Pickard – Sambreeze Mikki Bear Cub
Open Dog (6 entries, 0 Absentees)
1st: Mr E & Mrs T Forsey – Ch Arianrhod Black Sun Aeon at Muzoku ShCEx
2nd: Mr B & Mrs A Thomas – Ch Elbereth Tuulenpoika JW
3rd: Miss E Meikle & Mr S Henderson – Elbereth Etiainen At Lintukoto
Res: Mr A, Mrs C & Miss M Woollard – Ch Infindigo Lintu Miika
VHC: Mr N, Mrs C & Miss S Samuel – Oberitz Buoremus
Veteran Dog (5 entries, 0 Absentees)
1st: Mrs T T Lloyd – Ir Ch Arianrhod Finntroll JW
2nd: Mrs E & Mr S Short – Ch Glenchess Gregory
3rd: Mr N, Mrs C & Miss S Samuel – Oberitz Upponalle
Res: Mr S J & Mrs S Cooper, & Mrs S Critchlow – Ch Pavoskas Aly Arttu JW ShCM ShCEx VW
VHC: Miss G Small & Mr C Thompson – Ansalfrose Jani
Special Vintage Dog (10+ Years) (1 entry, 0 Absentees)
1st: Miss E Meikle & Mr S Henderson – Ch Marymead Muskateer ShCM VW
Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog (4 entries, 1 Absentee)
1st: Mrs S H A Lock – Bridus Heikki
2nd: Mr S J & Mrs S Cooper, & Mrs S Critchlow – Ch Pavoskas Aly Arttu JW ShCM ShCEx VW
3rd: Mrs M Aristides-Pickard – Sambreeze Mikki Bear Cub
Dog CC: Mr E & Mrs T Forsey – Ch Arianrhod Black Sun Aeon at Muzoku ShCEx
Dog Reserve CC: Mrs T T Lloyd – Ir Ch Arianrhod Finntroll JW
Best Puppy Dog: Mrs J Whyman & Mr J Murray – Lappviken Keltainen Of Manu
Best Veteran Dog: Mrs T T Lloyd – Ir Ch Arianrhod Finntroll JW
Res Veteran Dog: Mrs S H A Lock – Bridus Heikki
Puppy Bitch (4 entries, 0 Absentees)
1st: Mrs S & Mr R Moore – Samerajerna’s Zaluda of Morval (Imp Swe)
2nd: Mrs S H A Lock – Muzoku Black Opium
3rd: Mr C Fedeli – Aegirsson Unicorn’s Vibe
Res: Mrs S C Crowhurst – Lappviken Rubiini
Junior Bitch (3 entries, 0 Absentees)
1st: Mr S Jackson – Elbereth Unisieppari JW
2nd: Mrs B Greenland – Skimarque Luminen Metsa From Rajarani
3rd: Mrs S & Mr P Critchlow & Mrs S Cooper – Pavoskas Ilomieli
Yearling Bitch (4 entries, 0 Absentees)
1st: Mr S Jackson – Elbereth Unisieppari JW
2nd: Mr S & Mrs A Stanley – Ansalfrose Wivi JW
3rd: Mrs S Critchlow & Mr M Rudd – Pavoskas Hiili Helmi
Res: Mrs N A Birks – Pavoskas Galena
Novice Bitch (1 entry, 0 Absentees)
1st: Mrs S & Mr P Critchlow & Mrs S Cooper – Pavoskas Ilomieli
Graduate Bitch (2 entries, 0 Absentees)
1st: Miss K Ellis & Mr M Crosby – Tabanyaruu Borealis Bliz
2nd: Mrs C M Proctor – Alkantara Talvi Hamara With Cathbri
Post Graduate Bitch (6 entries, 1 Absentee)
1st: Mrs N J Allison – Oberitz Tumma Ruhtinatar
2nd: Miss L Pelling – Tabanyaruu Aurora Ahkera
3rd: Mr S & Mrs A Stanley – Ansalfrose Wivi JW
Res: Mr D & Mrs J Beaumont & Ms L Mowatt – Tabanyaruu Unelma Hannele
VHC: Mrs C M Proctor – Alkantara Talvi Hamara With Cathbri
Limit Bitch (7 entries, 2 Absentees)
1st: Mrs N Allison, Mrs K & Miss Z Bright – Oberitz Beaivvas
2nd: Mr A, Mrs C & Miss M Woollard – Infindigo Onnekas Kielo
3rd: Mrs S H A Lock – Pikkuihme Tahtipoly
Res: Mrs S & Mr P Critchlow – Pavoskas Fuchsia
VHC: Mr D & Mrs J Beaumont & Ms L Mowatt – Tabanyaruu Pilvi Tildakoi
Open Bitch (4 entries, 1 Absentee)
1st: Mrs S & Mr P Critchlow – Ch Pavoskas Ceili JW
2nd: Mrs S B Graystone – Ch Morval Helina Keiju
3rd: Mrs E Wendling & Mr C Fedeli – Ch Aegirsson Rainbow Phoebe JWW’21 JEW’22
Veteran Bitch (5 entries, 1 Absentee)
1st: Mrs S & Mr R Moore – Ch Morval Salainen Haave JW
2nd: Mrs S & Mr P Critchlow – Glenchess Kiuru Over Pavoskas
3rd: Mr A Lee – Ch Kaijartuu Hopea Noita JW
Res: Mr S & Mrs A Stanley – Ansalfrose Jojanna
VHC: Mr D & Mrs J Beaumont & Ms L Mowatt – Tabanyaruu Pilvi Tildakoi
Special Vintage Bitch (5 entries, 1 Absentee)
1st: Mr S & Mrs A Stanley – Glenchess Nulikka At Ansalfrose
2nd: Mr B & Mrs A Thomas – Ch Elbereth Pelinainen JW
3rd: Mrs S H A Lock – Ch Bridus Pikkumimmi JW VW
Res: Mrs M Aristides-Pickard – Sambreeze Tiianmaria
Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch (5 entries, 1 Absentee)
1st: Mr B & Mrs A Thomas – Elbereth Suvituuli JW
2nd: Mr D & Mrs J Beaumont & Ms L Mowatt – Tabanyaruu Unelma Hannele
3rd: Miss K Ellis & Mr M Crosby – Tabanyaruu Borealis Bliz
Res: Mrs M Aristides-Pickard – Sambreeze Tiianmaria
Bitch CC: Mr S Jackson – Elbereth Unisieppari JW
Bitch Reserve CC: Mrs S & Mr P Critchlow – Ch Pavoskas Ceili JW
Best Puppy Bitch: Mrs S & Mr R Moore – Samerajerna’s Zaluda of Morval (Imp Swe)
Best Veteran Bitch: Mrs S & Mr P Critchlow – Ch Pavoskas Ceili JW
Res Veteran Bitch: Mr B & Mrs A Thomas – Elbereth Suvituuli JW
I would like to start by thanking the Southern Finnish Lapphund Society for the trust to judge their First Single Breed Championship Show on 27th June 2024. I was entrusted with judging the company’s first open show in November 2011. To now 13 years later be invited again is a great honour for me and a recognition for me as a judge that I value with all my heart.
I last judged the breed at Windsor in 2016, so eight years had passed from my previous judging appointment in UK. I can see that the breed maintains the high quality that I have encountered in my previous assignments. Of course, there is a spread in the breed typical details, which is not strange considering the type variation that existed among the breed’s founders. A few dogs were missing one or more major premolars, which made me a little surprised. It is not a problem that I have experienced in the breed before and that must be taken into account in the continued breeding.
It is especially important to maintain the powerful, “teddy bear-like” heads with well-filled muzzles and the gentle and friendly expression that is one of the breed’s hallmarks. It is also important to consider the breed’s background as a working reindeer herder. It requires functional fur of the right quality and good anatomy that allows for efficient movements. All of this was found in my winners, and especially in today’s Best in Show; Mr E & Mrs T Forsey’s – Ch Arianrhod Black Sun Aeon at Muzoku. A new acquaintance for me that already at his entrance in Open Dog made my heart beat a few extra beats. A fantastic breed representative who stands up well in the international competition.
Today’s Reserve Best In Show and also Best Veteran In Show; Mrs. T T Lloyd’s – Ir Ch Arianrhod Finntroll brings to mind many of the successful dogs of the 70s and 80s. A particularly beautiful head, well-filled muzzle and a powerful whole. Qualities that I noticed back in 2016 when I made him Best puppy in Windsor. It’s nice to see that he continued to develop in the way I thought he would.
The Best Opposite Sex in Show of the day was the young; Mr S Jackson – Elbereth Unisieppari JW. A wonderful little lady with the future completely in her own hands, or paws. It will be interesting to follow her continued success
Best in Show: Mr E & Mrs T Forsey’s – Ch Arianrhod Black Sun Aeon at Muzoku
Res Best in Show/Best Veteran in Show: Mrs. T T Lloyd’s – Ir Ch Arianrhod Finntroll
Best Opposite Sex In Show: Mr S Jackson – Elbereth Unisieppari JW
Best Puppy In Show: Mrs S & Mr R Moore – Samerajerna’s Zaluda of Morval (Imp Swe)
Best Opposite Sex Puppy In Show: Mrs J Whyman & Mr J Murray – Lappviken Keltainen Of Manu
Best Opposite Sex Veteran In Show: Mrs S & Mr P Critchlow – Ch Pavoskas Ceili JW
Puppy Dog (3)
1st: Mrs J Whyman & Mr J Murray – Lappviken Keltainen Of Manu.
Lovely whole with excellent proportions, maybe a bit on the larger side, but with a lovely mover seen from the side. He still needs to develop in his body and his head needs to be widened, but it is natural in dogs at that age.
2nd: Mrs S C Crowhurst – Lappviken Safiiri Of Manu
Male of very good type with nice head and expression. Feels somewhat long and the coat is somewhat wavy for the day. Unfortunately, he does not move with full drive from the side and needs more time to develop.
3rd: Mrs N J Allison – Lahetyaby Joulukoriste By Oberitz
Junior Dog (4)
1st: Miss E Meikle & Mr S Henderson – Elbereth Etiainen At Lintukoto
Excellent type. He has a very beautiful head and expression. Excellent proportions and nice stature. Excellent movements from the side but he is still somewhat narrow in the chest which means that he moves narrowly forward. Excellent coat quality.
2nd: Mrs J Brache – Elbereth Oreokeksi At Lappiness
Very good type. He also has a very beautiful head and expression. Built on shorter lines and does not have the same fine stature as the class winner. A slightly rounded chest affects the forward movements. Excellent coat quality.
3rd: Mrs J Whyman & Mr J Murray – Lappviken Keltainen Of Manu
Yearling Dog (3)
1st: Miss E Meikle & Mr S Henderson – Elbereth Etiainen At Lintukoto
See class before
2nd: Mrs J Brache – Elbereth Oreokeksi At Lappiness
See class before
3rd: Miss G Small & Mr C Thompson – Ansalfrose Weikko JW
Novice Dog (0)
Graduate Dog (1, 1 Absentee)
Post Graduate Dog (5, 2 Absentees)
1st: Mrs S & Mr R Moore – Morval Soturi (AI)
Good type. Somewhat low on legs. The head has good width and the muzzle is well filled out, but the stop is too flat to give the correct expression. He moves with good stride length but is a bit tight at the back. Excellent coat quality.
2nd: Miss G Small & Mr C Thompson – Ansalfrose Weikko JW
Good type. Too short in the body and gives a square impression. He has a well-cut head, but his expression is disturbed by his round eyes. He moves well from the side. However, a narrow chest does not provide enough support for the shoulder and leads to tight front movements.
3rd: Mr B & Mrs A Thomas – Elbereth Lapinpeikko (AI)
Limit Dog (5, 1 Absentee)
1st: Mrs N J Allison – Oberitz Kaamoksen Ruhtinas JW
Excellent type. Appealing whole. Excellent proportions and suitable bone structure. He has a very beautiful head and expression. He moves efficiently from all directions. Excellent coat quality
2nd: Mr A Lee – Kaijartuu Ihmissusi JW
Very good type. Good proportions. The expression is disturbed by a narrow head, large ears and he needs to be widened in the muzzle. Moves with sufficient stride length but is somewhat narrow behind. Excellent coat quality.
3rd: Mr R Rudd – Infindigo Lintu Henkka
Open Dog (6)
1st: Mr E & Mrs T Forsey – Ch Arianrhod Black Sun Aeon at Muzoku ShCEx
Today’s big star. Excellent type with excellent proportions and strong bone structure. Very beautiful head and expression with a well-filled muzzle, well-shaped dark eyes and well-placed ears. Well-developed chest with strong back and loin. Moves with efficient steps from all directions. Excellent coat quality.
2nd: Mr B & Mrs A Thomas – Ch Elbereth Tuulenpoika JW
Excellent head but the expression is disturbed by slightly rounded eyes. Excellent proportions with good stature. Moves efficiently from the side but a bit tight at the back. Excellent coat quality.
3rd: Miss E Meikle & Mr S Henderson – Elbereth Etiainen At Lintukoto
Veteran Dog (5)
1st: Mrs T T Lloyd – Ir Ch Arianrhod Finntroll JW
Powerful male, full of breed type that brings to mind the successful dogs of the 70s and 80s. Excellent head and expression with a well-filled muzzle. Excellent proportions. Strong bones and well-developed body. Excellent coat quality.
2nd: Mrs E & Mr S Short – Ch Glenchess Gregory
Very beautiful head and expression. Could be a bit shorter in the loins. Moves efficiently from all directions. Absolutely the right coat quality where you feel the structure with ease.
3rd: Mr N, Mrs C & Miss S Samuel – Oberitz Upponalle
Special Vintage Dog (10+ Years) (1)
1st: Miss E Meikle & Mr S Henderson – Ch Marymead Muskateer ShCM VW
12.5 years old in excellent condition. Excellent proportions. The expression is disturbed by slightly large ears and rounded eyes. Moves with efficiency from all directions. Excellent coat quality.
Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog (4, 1 Absentee)
1st: Mrs S H A Lock – Bridus Heikki
Male on the larger side with good proportions and well-shaped head. Sufficient bone structure for the size. Moves well from the side but somewhat loose in front. Excellent coat quality.
2nd: Mr S J & Mrs S Cooper, & Mrs S Critchlow – Ch Pavoskas Aly Arttu JW ShCM ShCEx VW
Good proportions with a well-sculpted head. The expression is disturbed by slightly large ears. Sufficient bone structure. Unfortunately, the movements suffer from a narrow chest that does not provide sufficient support for the front and a sloping croup that provides short steps at the back. Excellent coat quality.
3rd: Mrs M Aristides-Pickard – Sambreeze Mikki Bear Cub
Dog CC: Mr E & Mrs T Forsey – Ch Arianrhod Black Sun Aeon at Muzoku ShCEx
Dog Reserve CC: Mrs T T Lloyd – Ir Ch Arianrhod Finntroll JW
Best Puppy Dog: Mrs J Whyman & Mr J Murray – Lappviken Keltainen Of Manu
Best Veteran Dog: Mrs T T Lloyd – Ir Ch Arianrhod Finntroll JW
Res Veteran Dog: Mrs S H A Lock – Bridus Heikki
Puppy Bitch (4)
1st: Mrs S & Mr R Moore – Samerajerna’s Zaluda of Morval (Imp Swe)
Very appealing. Excellent type. Very beautiful head and expression with dark, well-shaped eyes. Excellent proportions. Excellent movements and an excellent coat with the right structure.
2nd: Mrs S H A Lock – Muzoku Black Opium
Excellent type. Beautiful head and expression. Excellent volume in the body and excellent movements. Excellent coat.
3rd: Mr C Fedeli – Aegirsson Unicorn’s Vibe
Junior Bitch (3)
1st: Mr S Jackson – Elbereth Unisieppari JW
Very beautiful with great potential. Excellent head and expression. Excellent proportions and excellent volume of the body for its young age. Moves efficiently from all directions. Excellent coat.
2nd: Mrs B Greenland – Skimarque Luminen Metsa From Rajarani
Good proportions where the loin is slightly long. Well-shaped head with dark fine eyes. Sufficient bone structure. Unfortunately, the stride length at the rear is affected by a sloping sacrum. Excellent coat quality.
3rd: Mrs S & Mr P Critchlow & Mrs S Cooper – Pavoskas Ilomieli
Yearling Bitch (4)
1st: Mr S Jackson – Elbereth Unisieppari JW
See class before
2nd: Mr S & Mrs A Stanley – Ansalfrose Wivi JW
Good proportions. Well-shaped head where the expression is disturbed by slightly rounded eyes. Moves well from all directions. Excellent coat.
3rd: Mrs S Critchlow & Mr M Rudd – Pavoskas Hiili Helmi
Novice Bitch (1)
1st: Mrs S & Mr P Critchlow & Mrs S Cooper – Pavoskas Ilomieli
Lightly built with good proportions. Well-formed head with medium brown eyes. Too open angles negatively affect movements. Too soft coat but has a wonderful temperament.
Graduate Bitch (2)
1st: Miss K Ellis & Mr M Crosby – Tabanyaruu Borealis Bliz
Good proportions. Well-shaped head, but the expression is disturbed by too bright eyes. Still thin in the chest. Moves loosely forward and tight in the back. Sufficient structure of the coat.
2nd: Mrs C M Proctor – Alkantara Talvi Hamara With Cathbri
Elongated with strong bones. Needs to widen in the skull to give the correct expression. Moves with slightly short steps backwards. Sufficient structure of the coat.
Post Graduate Bitch (6, 1 Absentee)
1st: Mrs N J Allison – Oberitz Tumma Ruhtinatar
Excellent type with excellent proportions. Needs to be widened in the skull to give the correct expression. Excellent bone structure and coat.
2nd: Miss L Pelling – Tabanyaruu Aurora Ahkera
Excellent proportions. Well-sculpted head with dark fine eyes. Sufficient bone structure. Excellent coat quality but it lacks volume for the day.
3rd: Mr S & Mrs A Stanley – Ansalfrose Wivi JW
Limit Bitch (7, 2 Absentees)
1st: Mrs N Allison, Mrs K & Miss Z Bright – Oberitz Beaivvas
Strong with good bones. Feels a bit long. Very beautiful head and expression. A correct tail that is carried correctly. Sufficient structure of the coat.
2nd: Mr A, Mrs C & Miss M Woollard – Infindigo Onnekas Kielo
Elongated. May need to widen in the skull and muzzle. Somewhat flat stop. Sufficient bone structure. Too soft and flyaway fur.
3rd: Mrs S H A Lock – Pikkuihme Tahtipoly
Open Bitch (4, 1 Absentee)
1st: Mrs S & Mr P Critchlow – Ch Pavoskas Ceili JW
Excellent type. Well-shaped head. Excellent bone structure. Slightly rounded chest and too soft coat.
2nd: Mrs S B Graystone – Ch Morval Helina Keiju
Beautiful head and expression. Slightly long in the loin. Rounded chest. Sufficient structure of the coat.
3rd: Mrs E Wendling & Mr C Fedeli – Ch Aegirsson Rainbow Phoebe JWW’21 JEW’22
Veteran Bitch (5, 1 Absentee)
1st: Mrs S & Mr R Moore – Ch Morval Salainen Haave JW
Elongated with a beautiful head and expression. Coat that is too soft. Moves well from the side. Narrow chest provides loose movements at the front.
2nd: Mrs S & Mr P Critchlow – Glenchess Kiuru Over Pavoskas
Too powerful with a tendency towards the masculine in her head. Good proportions. Sufficient structure of the coat. Moves well from the side, slightly loose at the front and narrow at the back.
3rd: Mr A Lee – Ch Kaijartuu Hopea Noita JW
Special Vintage Bitch (5, 1 Absentee)
1st: Mr S & Mrs A Stanley – Glenchess Nulikka At Ansalfrose
Good proportions but must not be shorter in the body. Well-shaped head but slightly flat stop. Dark beautiful eyes. Moves well. Excellent coat.
2nd: Mr B & Mrs A Thomas – Ch Elbereth Pelinainen JW
Elongated with a well-shaped head. Large, tightly set ears have a negative effect on the expression. Soft flyaway fur. Moving heavily for the day.
3rd: Mrs S H A Lock – Ch Bridus Pikkumimmi JW VW
Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch (5, 1 Absentee)
1st: Mr B & Mrs A Thomas – Elbereth Suvituuli JW
Elongated with strong bones. Excellent head and expression. Slightly soft fur. In excellent condition and moves efficiently from all directions.
2nd: Mr D & Mrs J Beaumont & Ms L Mowatt – Tabanyaruu Unelma Hannele
Excellent proportions. Needs to widen in the skull and the stop would be more marked. Still narrow in the chest, which affects the stability of the front leg movements. Slightly falling cross affects the stride length at the back. Excellent coat.
3rd: Miss K Ellis & Mr M Crosby – Tabanyaruu Borealis Bliz
Bitch CC: Mr S Jackson – Elbereth Unisieppari JW
Bitch Reserve CC: Mrs S & Mr P Critchlow – Ch Pavoskas Ceili JW
Best Puppy Bitch: Mrs S & Mr R Moore – Samerajerna’s Zaluda of Morval (Imp Swe)
Best Veteran Bitch: Mrs S & Mr P Critchlow – Ch Pavoskas Ceili JW
Res Veteran Bitch: Mr B & Mrs A Thomas – Elbereth Suvituuli JW