Name: Elbereth Ainokainen

Pet name: Aino

Owners: Karen Rowe & Chris Murray

Photograph: Pia Reynolds


and MAY

Name: Tilkkuturkin Hallantuoma to Elbereth

Pet name: Halla

Owner: Phillip Jackson

Photograph: Harri Kivimäki


Name: Elbereth Taskuvaras

Pet name: Tasku

Owner: Karen White

Photograph: Karen White


Name: Elbereth Ilo at Starlapps

Pet name: Ilo

Owner: Mary Starling

Photograph: Mary Starling


Name: Lapinlumon Ilo

Pet name: Ilo

Owners: Per Ola Wahlquist & Christian Lauluten

Photograph: Martin Bastl


Name: Pavoskas Timo

Pet name: Timo

Owners: Vicky & Gareth Thyer

Photograph: Gareth Thyer


Name: Fidelis Peeravaara

Pet name: Väinö

Owner: Johanna Saarela

Photograph: Johanna Saarela


Name: Tositouhun Fernando

Pet name: Voitto

Owners: Kati Pietiläinen & Hans Wieten

Photograph: Hans Wieten


Names: Bredbäcks Galax, Raiddokas Dalle, Bredbäcks Eppi, Raiddokas Åivapoika, Bredbäcks Darwin, Raiddokas Ä-Stig Helmer

Pet names: Birk, Dunder, Loka, Ruff, Darwin, Helmer

Owners: Ellen Åberg, Ulla & Bengt Ahlström

Photograph: Bengt Ahlström


Name: Pennardane Plumeria

Pet name: Kaiju

Owners: Karen & Andy Lee

Photograph: Ian & Pia Reynolds


Name: Elbereth Valkotassu

Pet name: Tassu

Owners: Gemma & Robin Perkins

Photograph: Robin Perkins


Name: Tilkkuturkin Fanny

Pet name: Iitu

Owners: Eija Kimmo & Markku Jokinen

Photograph: Eija Kimmo



SFLS thoughts on Breeding during current Covid19 situation

2020-05-03T13:19:33+01:00May 1st, 2020|health, legislation|

Any planned mating should only take place after full consideration of many factors which the KC have highlighted at During the current lockdown, which as yet has no certainty over end date, there are additional factors which breeder and purchaser should consider, not least how to maintain social distancing whilst providing appropriate puppy socialisation, [...]

Compulsory microchipping April 2016

2017-05-09T22:37:43+01:00December 30th, 2015|kennel club, legislation, news|

From 6th April 2016 dog owners/breeders will need to have their dogs microchipped and registered on one of the authorised commercial databases available, such as Petlog, and subsequent keepers of the dog will have to register their details and keep them updated. Failure to comply could result in dog owners being fined up to £500. Anyone [...]

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