In general terms, the Finnish Lapphund is a very robust and healthy breed with an expected life-span of 10-15 years. Here follows some information about health issues that particularly relate to Finnish Lapphunds. Although these conditions are known to occur in the breed, they are not common. If you have questions about other dog health problems, you should always ask your vet. Some further (non breed specific) information is available here : Information Guide – Health Screening and the Kennel Club
The SFLS has a number of recommendations/requirements set out in its Rules/Code of Ethics regarding health testing. The salient points are noted below:
- Members will agree not to breed from a dog or bitch which could be in any way harmful to the dog or to the breed.
- Breeders shall breed only from stock that is free from known hereditary defects except where a DNA test exists (see code of ethics). Breed only from sound stock of good temperament. If an animal is born with any defect or subsequently develops an inherited condition, the full details shall be made available to the Breed Archive Secretary.
Sensitivity To Wormers and other drugs
Some breeds (esp. collies) are known to display a sensitivity to a family of anti-parasitic drugs known as ivermectin and it appears that a similar reaction is seen in Finnish Lapphunds. Before worming your dogs it is worth mentioning this fact to your vet and to read the information available and familiarise yourself with the drugs involved, it is possible to avoid this family of wormers altogether.
Finnish Lapphund Health Website
Detailed health information is provided on the Finnish Lapphund health website where you can also use the contact form to submit information regarding your dog’s health to the Breed Health Coordinator.
Health Reporting
Any health results for UK dogs should be reported to the Breed Health Coordinator – so we can monitor breed health and identify areas of concern.
Additionally you can also share with the Finnish Club using the form at providing the information helps build up an accurate centralised picture of the health of our breed. This is especially useful for those conditions for which the results are not routinely published by any Kennel Club e.g. Addison, Autoimmune, cataracts etc.
Members should note that they are obliged under the Breed Club’s Code of Ethics to inform each UK Breed Club of any health issues at birth or that arise.