Judge: Mr Krystyan Greenland

Cross, Mr & Mrs D & J. Ch Elbereth Marja
B 29/10/06, br Mrs T Jackson, Int Ch Lecibsin Hapmi— Elbereth Satu
Jackson, P Mr. Multi Ch Elbererth Matkamies ShCM D 05.03.09 Br Mrs T Jackson, Multi Ch Lecibsin
Macce – Elbererth Kyky

*Short, MRS E & MR S W G, Ch Glenchess Ilolas D 16.10.09 Br Exh, Ch Lapinlumon Elaminilo – Terhakan
Unnu Leenu At Glenchess
Thomas, Mr & Mrs B Elbereth Pelinainen
B 21/1/14, br Mrs T Jackson, Ch Elbereth Matkamies Sh.CM—Shacal Reilu Peli (imp)

Short, MRS E & MR S W G, Glenchess Gregory D 12.01.16 Br Exh, Glenchess Vaeltaja x Ch Millermead Quintessence to Glenchess
Dickson, MRS S, Glenchess Georgette to Bernavia B 12.01.16 Br Mr & Mrs S Short, Glenchess Vaeltaja x Ch Millermead Quintessence to Glenchess
Class 1 Puppy Dog 2 (0)
1st: Short’s Glenchess Gregory. A very handsome young man with many of the great qualities of his sire. Head is developing nicely for age. Slightly rounded forehead. Muzzle a tad long. Beautiful dark oval eyes with typical soft expression. Ears ok for size and shape and, importantly, very well set with good width between them . Up to size and with good bone. Strong neck of medium length. Very good shoulders with correct length and slope of upper arm. Body is ok for proportions – wouldn’t want him any longer. Chest developing well. Correct length of foreleg compared to depth of chest. Strong back. Good tail set and carried up on the move. Excellent mover from all angles. Coat to mature. A very promising Lapphund at present who should accrue many top honours once fully mature. BPIS
2nd: Croft’s Tabanyaruu Onnea Kissa (AI). Another promising young dog with lovely temperament. Much less mature than 1st, which, in the main, was what set them apart. Head is typical for his age with (rightly) still a lot of development of forehead and muzzle required. Beautiful eyes of a lovely shape, set and good dark colour. Ears set well apart. Beautiful expression. Correct neck. Balanced angulation and developing well in the body. Tail set on high. Nice feet and his pasterns were slightly sloping. Puppyish coat which will change with maturity. Moved very well in profile. Crabbed slightly on the out and back. Maturity will make this very promising boy.
Class 2 Junior dog 3 (0)
1st: Allison’s Oberitz Unimaahinen. Overall of a very nice balance, make and shape. Beautiful outline. Eyes of correct shape and set. Ears of good shape and size. Head needs to broaden with maturity. Muzzle just a shade long. Beautiful kind expression. Good neck. Balanced angles fore and aft. Good depth of chest, and just enough leg length to reflect the proportions typical of the breed. Bone developing very well. Tail set high and carried well on the move. Very nice shape to feet. Pasterns a tad upright and would like slightly more definition at the hock. Lacking undercoat on the day – which I didn’t penalise in any dog that was obviously moulting. One of few to have the desirable coarse outer coat. Moved extremely well. Like all these young dogs, lots of maturing to do.
2nd: Simmons & Henson’s Infindigo Mailat Loki. Attractive red dog. Not the eye shape of 1st, being a tad round/full. Ok for set and colour. Ears broad at base but tips rather pointed. Good width but set a little far back on the head. Skull slightly rounded and muzzle of correct length though slightly too pointed (rather sharp) for my liking, but this could improve with maturity. Preferred expression of 1st. Neck of correct length. Shoulders and upper arm good. Pasterns slightly sloping. Body proportions ok with enough depth of chest. Enough angulation at the rear, but, like 1st, would like slightly more definition at the hocks. High set tail which he carried well on the move. Moved briskly.
3rd Allison’s Oberitz Upponalle. Handsome bear like head with excellent proportions. Lovely eyes of correct shape and set and harmonising with coat. Ears wide at base. Correct neck. Good strength of body and bone. Very well angulated all through. Tail set high. Lovely pasterns and hocks. Good feet. Super coat with thick undercoat and lovely coarse outer coat. Lovely profile movement. Once he gains confidence, this lad could go on to do very well.
Class 3 Yearling dog 5 (0)
1st Allison’s Oberitz Unimaahinen
2nd: Simmons & Henson’s Infindigo Mailat Loki
3rd: Jackson’s Lecibsin Ukas to Elbereth (Imp Fin). An ultra attractive dog whose head is his fortune. Beautiful dark eyes which were of a good shape. Ears wide at base and set well apart. Had the typical teddy bear like head I was looking for. Wonderful expression. Not as well balanced in angles at 1st and 2nd. Neck is a tad short for me and shoulders are rather upright. Upper arm ok for length. Pasterns slightly sloping. Lovely feet. Rather square in body. Topline ok. Stifles ok. Hocks nicely defined. Tail set on high. Moved erratically on the day.
Res. Oberitz Upponalle
VHC. Thistleglen Fred
Class 4 Novice Dog 4 (0)
1st: Short’s Glenchess Gregory
2nd: Forbes’ Juva Julkea of Artic Cobaka. Lovely outline and very eye catching. Head could be stronger through the muzzle but skull has good width. Ears are broad at base but tips slightly too pointed. Eyes are oval in shape, well set and of a lovely dark colour. I adore his spectacles! Neck is ok for length. Lovely mane! Moderate angulation. Good body proportions and length of leg. Would prefer more bone. Good pasterns and hocks. Tails set high and carried well on the move. Moved very soundly.
3rd: Allison’s Oberitz Upponalle.
Res. Thistleglen Fred
Class 5 Post Grad Dog 7 (1)
A good class.
1st: Eaton & Mowatt’s Tabanyaruu Nalle Roope. A dog I liked very much indeed for his overall make, shape and type. Lovely typical head with beautiful eyes. Super expression. I was looking for a teddy bear like head, and here I found one! Good broad skull which was slightly rounded. Good width and depth of muzzle and was also in correct proportion to skull. Excellent body and angulation. Correct length of leg. Good bone. Tail is set on just a tad low. Good pasterns and hocks. Lacking undercoat on the day, but displayed the typical coarse outer coat. Excellent mover in profile. Needs to calm down in his outlook towards the judge to go on to any top honours, otherwise a very nice dog indeed.
2nd: Simmon’s & Henson’s Infindigo Mailat Loki.
3rd: Samuel’s Bridus Ukkonen. Dog of nice type and super temperament. Up to size. Lovely oval eyes. Ears are wide at base and set well apart. Really liked his ear size (not too big!) Muzzle tad long as compared to skull. Good neck. Balanced angles, but would prefer slightly more. Bone developing nicely. Tail set high. In lovely condition. Moved soundly.
Res. Alkantara Ilolasson
VHC. Bridus Heikki
Class 6 Limit dog 3 (0)
1st: Cooper’s Pavoskas Aly Artuu. This dog has a beautiful outline. Wolf sable and looking his best. Very attractive head with correct ratio of muzzle to skull. Wonderful eyes for shape and set and are lovely and dark. Ears could be set wider apart and smaller in size. They are very well furred. Good neck under a profuse mane. Good angulation and well balanced fore and aft. For me he is rather large in size, but that said he is well proportioned with depth of body slightly less than half height at the withers. Good brisket. Loins are short. Good bone throughout. Medium croup. Tail set and carried correctly. Pasterns slightly sloping and hocks low to ground. Good undercoat. Outer coat is coarse enough. I wouldn’t want it any longer though. A lot of maturing still to do. Moved soundly. Close to top honours.
2nd: Allison’s Glenchess Nallukka By Oberitz. Smaller than 1st and very different in type. Neat and with much to like. Of a compact type with good angulation throughout. Head is masculine with correct skull and muzzle. Very bear like and kind expression. Good oval eyes, but a tad level set. Perfect ears for size, shape and with good width between them. Neck of correct length. Good bone. Not quite as well proportioned as 1st being rather more square. Strong topline. High set tail. Very good pasterns and hocks. The little amount of coat that was there was of a good texture. Moved rather erratically on the day. Preferred overall impression of 1st.
3rd: Samuel’s Bridus Ukkonen
Class 7 Open dog 3 (1)
1st Short’s Ch Glenchess Ilolas. An absolutely top quality Finnish Lapphund who pulled out all the stops here to beat excellent competition. He had to perform..and he did! An upstanding dog of correct medium size. Lovely head with slightly rounded skull. Stop defined. Muzzle of good depth and breadth and tapers as required. Correct length compared to skull also. Eyes are dark and oval in colour. Super ears – not too big (!) are wide at base and set well apart, which I feel many lack and is so important to typical Lapphund. He was another that had the strongly built teddy bear head I was looking for. Super neck with profuse mane. Lovely shoulders and correct length and slope to upper arm. Good depth of chest and correct length of leg to balance. Great feet and pasterns. Deep chest of correct length with short strong loins. Excellent topline. Good angulation at the rear with pelvis and stifles as I would desire. Low set hocks. High set tail which he carried up on the move. I liked his coat which had the correct degree of undercoat, a nice coarse outer coat. A cracking mover in profile. Light on his feet, but brisk enough as the standard requires. A world class Lappy without a doubt. Loved him BD and ultimate BIS winner.
2nd: Matheson’s Lapptoppens Herax (Imp Swe). What an attractive Lappy this is! Very workmanlike which I admire. I love this rich red/brown colour, but this is not what one is assessing. Head is of a good shape, but needs to be stronger for a boy. Good ears for shape and size and set well apart. Good oval eyes. Balanced angulation. Correct proportions. Strong topline. Tail set on high. Great harsh outer coat. Pasterns and hocks good. Nice feet. Unsettled on the move on the day.
Class 8 Special Veteran Dog (7-9 years) 1 (0)
1st: Jackson’s Multi Ch Elbereth Matkamies ShCM. A well known winner of top quality. Really good for size. Very masculine head. Slightly domed skull with good width. Muzzle of correct length. A shade too much stop for my preference and slightly squarer muzzle than the BD. Lovely dark, oval eyes. Ears perhaps a tad large, but are broad at base, set well apart and very well furred. Great neck. Outstandingly strong muscular body (best of the day) and an example to many. Very good shoulders and equal length and return of upper arm. Good depth and width of chest. Correct proportions. Good length through the ribcage with nice short loins. Good rear angulation. Tail set on high and carried well on the move. Good pasterns and hocks. Great bone. Lacking a bit of undercoat on the day but very much had that coarse outer coat I was looking for. A strong purposeful mover who was so sound from all angles. An excellent boy, just preferred the head and slightly more effortless gait of the BD. Two cracking dogs who represent the breed so highly. RBD.
Class 9 Special Veteran Dog (10+ years) 2 (0)
So nice to judge this class.
1st: Bright’s Sambreeze Hamara Kaakoa. 11 years and personality plus! Super attractive head. Correct skull to muzzle proportions. Good width. Gorgeous eyes for shape and colour. I wish more Lappies had his lovely ears – not too big, well furred , wide at base and set well apart. Good neck. Balanced angles. Super body and condition for age. Good pasterns and hocks. Moved very well for age.
2nd: Matheson’s Samejantans Iwaho of Thistleglen (Imp Swe). 13 years and you could see that in his day he was a goodun! Still showing excellence with a good head. Eyes of correct shape and set, and another with correct ears! A well put together body with everything in the place. Tails set on high. Struggling to move soundly today. An attractive dog of superb character.
Class 10 Good Citizen Dog 3 (0)
1st: Jackson’s Multi Ch Elbereth Matkamies ShCM
2nd: Samuel’s Bridus Ukkonen
3rd: Treasure’s Tabanyaru Karuselli Miika. This boy was as happy as ever. Presented in superlative condition. I feel he has a nice masculine head with good muzzle to skull ratio. Nice oval eye. Perhaps a tad light in colour. Bite not his fortune. Well put together with good angles fore and aft. Good bone and proportions. Excellent coat. Tail set on high. Pasterns slightly sloping. Low set hocks. Moved soundly. What a happy dog!
Ch Glenchess Ilolas
Multi CH Elbereth Matkamies ShCM
Glenchess Gregory
Another very nice but difficult class.
1st: Dickson’s Glenchess Georgette to Bernavia. A feminine girl with a quite well proportioned head. Eyes a little round in shape and perhaps a tad light in colour at present. Good neck. Excellent angulation fore and aft. Rather long in body for length of leg at present. But she has time to grow and develop. Excellent firm topline. Tail set high. Pasterns and hocks good. Nice calibre of bone for a bitch. In excellent coat and condition. Moved very soundly from all angles.
2nd: Eaton & Mowatt’s Tabanyaruu Nekku Pikku. I fell in love with this pup and had she behaved on the move, could have placed ahead of 1st. A gorgeous head with femininity. Slightly rounded skull. Correct length of muzzle. Gorgeous oval eyes of the darkest brown. Super ears for size, shape and set. Good neck. Excellent balanced angulation fore and aft. Preferred her proportions to 1st. Excellent tail set and carriage. Just could not assess her on the move today. A most beautiful pup who I expect to see great things from once she has decided to settle!
Class 12 Junior Bitch 4 (0)
What a strong class! All four had much to like.
1st Allison’s Oberitz Vakkara. Totally naked but showing so much quality. Super head with the balance between femininity and strength that I want in a bitch. Great ratios of muzzle to skull. Slightly rounded skull. Lovely eyes shape and set. Colour just dark enough to harmonise with coat colour. Good ears with the correct width between them. I could imagine this bitch as a little red bear. Very nicely constructed all through. More compact than 2nd and at the smaller end of the size spectrum. Short strong loins. Firm topline. Excellent pasterns, hocks and feet. High set tail. Outstanding profile movement. No undercoat on the day but good texture to outer coat. Should do well in the future.
2nd: Simmons & Henson’s Infindigo Mailat Ulla. Another good one. Larger and more finished all through than 1st. Very feminine head but with more sharpness to expression than 1st. Slightly domed skull and correct length of muzzle, though it perhaps tapers slightly too much (or still needs to develop). Eyes were of a lovely oval shape and just ok for colour. Moderate angles fore and aft. Excellent feet, pasterns and hocks. A little long through the body at present. High set tail. Moved well in profile but rather close behind on the day. Lacking some undercoat like many. Didn’t have the coarse texture to the outer coat. Should do well. Disappointed she did not appear in the other classes she was entered in.
3rd: Anderson’s Oberitz Vallila. What a sweet girl she is. More immature looking than 1st and 2nd. Feminine head which can still develop more. Lovely eyes shape and colour. Correct head ratios. Beautiful ears of correct size, shape and set. Well angulated which showed in her lovely side gait. Good topline. Chest is deep enough. Good feet, pasterns and hocks. Tail set high. In lovely condition. Just now needs to mature in body.
Res. Keskiyo Kohtalo
Class 13 Yearling Bitch 4 (1)
1st: Jackson’s Tilkkuturkin Hallantuoma to Elbereth JW. Has many of the qualities of her sire. Stronger yet feminine enough in head with gorgeous dark, oval eyes. Muzzle could perhaps be a tad shorter in relation to skull. Lovely soft, kind expression and definitely bear like. Ears wide at base and set just about wide enough apart for my preference. Neck strong, but, handler needs to try and stop her looking directly up as it shortens it. Balanced angles and bone lengths fore and aft. Good depth of chest and correct height to length ratio. Tail set on high and carried well on the move. Very good pasterns and feet. Nice low set hocks. I like this bitches sturdiness without weakness and she looked like she could do a job of work as well as look gorgeous! Moved well in a tricky ring.
2nd: Allison’s Oberitz Vakkara
3rd: Forbes’ Lady Eowyn Du Domaine D’Arinella Bianca. Rather on the small side and not really wanting to show off her virtues on the day. Head is rather fine, but it is quite well proportioned . Eye colour could be a shade darker. Balanced body, but kept dropping her topline. When she decided to move, she showed a very nice stride. In lovely coat and condition.
Class 14 Novice Bitch 3 (1)
1st: Anderson’s Oberitz Vallila – looked more confident and was really showing off in this class. Preferred her overall proportions and movement to the puppy in 2nd.
2nd: Dickson’s Glenchess Georgette to Bernavia
Class 15 Post Grad Bitch 5 (4)
1st Matheson’s Thistleglen Wilma. Head is ok for proportions. Eye shape and set good. Eye colour a little light. Ears are set wide apart, but are too large and a little Corgi like in shape. Nice strong neck. I very much like the body on this bitch. Really good shoulders and upper arm. Enough length in body without being overly long. Good depth to chest. Forelegs could be slightly longer. Good topline. Loins short enough. Good croup. Moderate turn of stifle. Low set hocks. Tail set on high, but a tendency to carry down on the move. Again, little undercoat, but outer coat was typical. Moved with nice stride.
Class 16 Limit Bitch 5 (3)
Very close between these two girls.
1st Cooper’s Marymead Moulin Rouge for Pavoskas JW ShCM. This quality lady has an excellent head. Beautiful eyes with melting expression. Skull correct and muzzle of perfect length. Excellent ears which were well furred and of the correct shape. Set wide apart and not detracting from her headpiece. Lovely neck. Excellent shoulders and upper arm. For perfection, I would prefer her chest slightly less deep for her leg length. Pasterns and feet excellent. Correct length of body. Short loin. Stifles could be more angulated. Tail set on high. Low set hocks. Profuse coat which does make her look bulkier than other bitches. Coat texture is rather soft at present. Great feathering! Faultless presentation. Moved soundly and with little effort.
2nd: Mowatt & Smith’s Tabanyaruu Fiia. Nearly took this class. Little to split them. Smaller than 1st and preferred her harder body. Well muscled and fit. Head is slightly sharper in features than 1st but has correct skull and length of muzzle. Muzzle perhaps just tapers a little too much. Lovely eyes. Preferred ear shape and set of 1st. Her ears were a little more on top of her head than 1st. Neck a fraction short. Very nice angulation all through. Tad short in leg and chest could be slightly less deep. Good bone. Lovely feet and pasterns. Longer in body, but still had short enough loins. Low hocks. Tail set on high and carried well on the move. Excellent mover. A very nice bitch overall who was the dam of the PGD winner.
Class 17 Open Bitch 7 (2)
In my humble opinion, a world class entry of bitches here. An honour to judge.
1st: Thomas’ Ch Elbereth Pelinainen. Frankly, she is just quite beautiful. True super model of a Lapphund with that mischievous glint in her eye, yet kind and honest. I was looking for a bitch that combined strength with femininity, and I found it here. A true teddy bear like head with the most dark expressive eyes of lovely oval shape. Super ears of a size that does not detract, and that were wide at base, well furred and set enough apart. Lovely neck with good mane for a bitch. Excellent shoulder and upper arm. Good depth and width of chest without being cloddy and overdone – she still looks workmanlike! Good daylight under her. Strong topline. Ideal length of body with short strong loins. Lovely angulation behind with good turn of stifle and the correct definition at the hock. Tail set on high and carried well on the move. Good feet and pasterns. Coat was correct with good degree of undercoat and a nice coarse texture to the outer coat. I have seen this bitch move a little lack lustre sometimes, but today, she excelled, moving effortlessly and showing all the others how it should be done. I just loved her. A world class bitch indeed. BB, RBIS.
2nd: Allison’s Ch Oberitz Silmanilo. It is no secret how highly I rate this bitch. Just gorgeous. Beautiful head type with the perfect eye shape and set. Lovely ears, which, like 1st, are not too big, do not detract and are wide at base and set well apart. Neck is of correct length and is strong. Her angulation is outstanding with everything in harmony. Strong back. Excellent pasterns and feet. Good low set hocks. Tail set on high and carried well on the move. Ideal proportions, but gave ground to 1st today as she looked somewhat heavy through the body. Always moves well with brisk, effortless strides. Another world class dog. Close to the top awards.
3rd: Allison’s Ch Oberitz Rillumarei. Smaller in stature all through, but just as well formed. Of a lovely type with great head piece. Dark, expressive eyes. Love her strength of bone combined with her femininity. Good angles. Strong body and topline. Tail set and carriage very good. Great pasterns and lovely furry feet! Slightly more 1:1 in her proportion of depth of chest to height at withers than the winners. Coat excellent in all respects. Great mover in profile. Little close behind on the day, and this counted in this competition.
Res. Ch Millermead Quintessence to Glenchess
VHC. Ch Bridus Pikkumimmi JW
Class 18 Special Veteran Bitch (7-9 years) 7 (2)
Another nice class.
1st: Cross’s Ch Elbereth Marja. The more I looked at this bitch, the more I liked her and she too must surely be considered world class! I loved her head which had a slightly rounded skull, defined stop and correct length of muzzle which tapered to the correct degree. Lovely oval eyes which were dark and set well. Kind expression and like all my main winners, had the strength to make her teddy bear like. Ears were of correct size and set apart enough. Good neck. Excellent angulation. Particularly liked the daylight under her body – she had enough length of leg compared to her depth of chest- so looked lithe and active not just a fluffy toy. Tail set on high and carried well on the move. Pasterns a tad upright. Feet good . Hocks well let down. Great coat with correct degree of undercoat and nice coarse outer coat. Moved like a dream at all times. A most worthy Champion beaten only by youth today. RBB and BV.
2nd: Mowatt & Smith’s Tabanyaruu Peppi. What a pretty girl with beautiful outline. Solid all through. Skull just a little flat but ok for stop. Muzzle of correct length. Ears I would say are set just a little far back and low on the head, but are of a good shape. Eye colour good. Neck strong. Body and proportions ok. Just about enough length of leg. Tail set good. Pasterns and hocks good. Feet of nice shape. Moved really well – very effortless and brisk. Looking like she loved her day out.
3rd: Dickson’s Bernavia Taika Kipina. A nice bitch overall. Good head with correct proportions, eyes and ears. Balanced angles. Lovely topline. Excellent coat. Feet and pasterns typical. Moved soundly with decent stride. Rather large and heavy throughout for my preference, but in lovely coat and condition.
Res. Honeybears Lumi Pilvi
VHC. Lapprikets Boidheach (Imp Swe)
Class 19 Special Veteran Bitch (10+ years) (no entries)
Class 20 Good Citizen Bitch 2 (1)
1st: Thomas’ Elbereth Suvituuli JW. Another bitch I like very much indeed, and one that doesn’t always reach the heights in the ring that she should. Attractive colouring. Alone today, but filling the eye with quality. Good typical head all through. Good neck leading into a very well angulated body which is ideally proportioned. Good bone. Good topline, slight tuck up. Tail set good. Just lacking undercoat and finishing to take her further today. A strong bitch who I feel will be a strong contender as she matures on even further.
Ch Elbereth Pelinainen JW
Ch Elbereth Marja
Glenchess Georgette to Bernavia
1. Mr T, Mrs T & Ms L Eaton & Mowatt
2. Mr B & Mrs A Thomas
3. Mr C & Mrs C Forbes
Class 22 Progeny 1 (0)
1. Multi CH Elbereth Matkamies ShCM
Class 23 Breeder 2 (0)
1. Oberitz – N Allison
2. Elbereth – T Jackson
Class 24 Special Open Dog 2 (1)
1. Sambreeze Hamara Kaakoa
I would like to thank the Southern Finnish Lapphund Society committee for giving me the special classes at their open Show, also big thanks to the exhibitors who entered under me. All dogs were clean with correct dentures and well presented.
Class 25 Special Award Junior Dog or Bitch 4 (0)
1st Mr & Mrs S & E Short Glenchess Gregory One to watch he has a lovely head good ear set correct eye shape well defined stop strong jaw with correct bite. Strong neck well set shoulders and upper arm firm correct body, good tail carriage moved out well. I am sure he has a most promising future.
2nd Mrs N Allison Oberitz Vakkara A nicely made young brown girl lots of muscle throughout correct head good ear set eyes that are correct in set and colour, strong body with a really harsh coat good tail set moved well.
3rd Mrs S Graystone Keskiyo Kohtalo.
Res. Tabanyaruu Nekku Pikku
Class 26 Special Award Limit Dog or Bitch 8 (3)
1st Ms L Mr & Mrs Mowatt & Smith Tabanyaruu Flla This girlie was enjoying her day out full of life, she has a nice head good eye set good stop and a great smile. Well made body of correct proportions moved out well with a tail that never stopped wagging.
2nd Mr S Jackson Lecibsin Ukas to Elbereth When this young lad was still he has a nice shape, good head well set eyes strong jaw, correct neck leading to well placed shoulders today he preferred two legs to four when he moved it was sound movement with correct tail carriage. Nice dog his antics made me smile he should have a good future.
3rd Mr N Mrs C & Miss S Samuel Bridus Ukkonen
Res. Alkantara Ilolasson
VHC. Tabanyaruu Nalle Roope
Class 27 Special Award Open Dog or Bitch 6 (2)
1st Mr B & Mrs A Thomas Ch Elbereth Pelinainen JW Lovely bitch so balanced throughout, Nice head super ear carriage good stop plenty of face padding strong neck correct shoulders and upper arm correct front correct depth of chest lovely tight feet good tail carriage Moved out well
2nd Mr B & Mrs A Thomas Elbereth Suvituuli Another similar type of bitch as 1 good head correct eyes strong well muscled neck leading to good shoulders balanced body good tail set moved out well.
3rd Ms L Mr & Mrs Mowatt & Smith Tabanyaruu Peppi
Res. Honeybears Lumi Pilvi