The table below lists the CC & RCC winners from 2011 onward (the breed attained Challenge Certificate Status at Crufts 2011.  From 2011 to 2014 inclusive, CCs were limited and at Southern Cos and Richmond we only received a single CC with the RCC being awarded at the judge’s discretion to either the opposite sex or the Res to the CC winner, which makes displaying these results rather odd.  Best of Breeds are marked with asterisk. 

Over the years the number of CCs allocated has increased and the single CC option was thankfully removed in 2015.
(Note group placings can also be achieved from non CC wins and our first group placing was in fact long before we achieved CC status- Group placings awarded to date at Championship shows up to 31/12/24 are:

Ch Arianrhod Black Sun Aeon At Muzoku ShCEx  1 x G1, 3 x G2, 3 x G3, 5 x G4
Ch Marymead Muskateer ShCM – 1 x G1, 1x G3
Int/Fin Ch Glenchess Revontuli – 3 x G2, 1 x G3, 3 x G4
Ch Lecibsin Salo of TabanyaRuu JW ShCM – 1 x G2, 1 x G3
WW02/03 Elbereth Peikko at Glenchess – 1 x G2
Ch Bridus Rakas ShCM – 1 x G2
Ch Glenchess Gregory – 1 x G3 1 x G4

Multi Ch Ahulin Supina FiW21, HeW21 – 1 x G3
Kaijartuu Ihmissusi JW – 1 x G3
Ch Pajeant Aubenedict ShCM – 1 x G3
Multi Ch Ukkonen Av Vintervidda – 1 x G3
Multi Ch Elbereth Matkamies ShCM – 2 x G4
Elbereth Mikko ShCM – 1 x G4
Ch Limishka Kareitar JW – 1 x G4

Searchable List of Challenge certificate winners and RCC winners – titles have been removed to simplify presentation and to assist with searching

Challenge Certificate & RCC winners

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